Tuesday, March 30, 2010

week 8 - Multimedia

I think the coolest and best multimedia marketing was used by Nokia in Singapore.. for most of the communication companies, multimedia marketing is always used.. mostly on tv, or online. visual, and audio.. kiosks and booths here and there as well, every now and then. where they allow interaction, actual usage of the phone/tv etc. what really scored points for Nokia however was their Nokia Bus!! when I first saw it i was like whoah. what's happening....
here's a slideshow video thing i found of the buses..

There were pictures, there was music, there were videos for some, and the best were the chairs and flooring! a very club/bar chillout kinda feel that appeals to the youth which was their target consumer for this model.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 7 - cyber crimes in Sg

i realized that the recent cybercrimes in singapore are really petty (or nerdy) things. well nerd in my own sense of course.. (:
the first that i read which happened 3 years ago is about a guy who sold gaming accounts online. after receiving the money, he will not change the email, but use it to reset the password after the other user has changed it. then he will sell it again! sounds childish, but he ripped in a lot of money through that avatar. he got caught after one of his buyers found the trend and used another friend to help catch him. he was fined $3K which i think is kinda lenient compared to my next news..


this is about a poor RJC boy who was just too overcompetitive and pressured i guess. he is a chinese national who came here to study (on scholarship i guess since hes in RJ) he did super well in his As, but felt the need to check his classmates results as well. so he hacked into the RJC databased and was just loading his schoolmates results when a techie caught him. Its sad that he was fined the max fine of 15K!! but due to his harmless deed, he was not jailed (which could've been up to 5 years..) really, i dont know how kids are falling into this pressure nowadays.. hacking into a schools system just to check your friends grades?!?! i would think hacking into it to change your grades seem more like a push factor... either way. its wrong of course... but yes. motive is really questionable here. haha.


week 5 cover

i just realized i promised a video.. but i'm really up to my neck with work and SICK for that matter!!! since monday. ): so nevermind..
i think the google april fools jokes were all tools! so i guess i got that covered.
and on another note, i'm just amazed at how vast a database google has even for images.. yest i was searching for images of birds flying, and google had like a million pages (as usual) and i thought maybe i'll try another search engine cause they have different databases right. so i went to yahoo, and BOOM! only a measly 2 pages okayyy..... so yes. google! yippee. (:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Google april fools jokes!

a little digression here, was just studying about google tools, and trying out all their tools when i came across the history. in year 2000, they decided to be funny and launched an april fools joke. and it became a yearly tradition that i must say is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!!! so remember to log on on april 1st this year to see what it is. (they're really good too! very detailed.. charts graph and everything..)

2000 - launch of Google's MentalPlexTM -

2001 - google home page was in language preference of a swedish chef.. (?) not so funny - http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/

2002 - under the technology link in the home page, they revealed their secret to a quick and good search engine: PIGEON POWER! - http://www.google.com/technology/pigeonrank.html

2003 - i think they missed that year.. haha.

2004 - they announced under their job opportunities link Googlunaplex, a new research facility on the Moon. - http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html

2005 - they launched a drink! Google Gulp (BETA)™ which is proven help the drinker use the google search engi
ne more proficiently! - http://www.google.com/googlegulp/

2006 - launched google romance, a search engine to help find looovvvee.

2007 was a busy year for them.. - first they launched gmail in PAPER form! http://mail.google.com/mail/help/paper/index.html , then they had TiSP (Toilet Internet Service Provider) which i thought was funny - http://www.google.com/tisp/, then they actually lost and found a real snake in the office in NY! hahhahha. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2007/04/snakes-in-plain-old-office-building.html

2008 they featured 16 April Fool's jokes from our offices around the world - http://www.google.com/virgle/ , http://adsense.blogspot.com/2008/04/introducing-adsense-for-conversations.html , wakeup call from google calender - http://www.google.com/googlecalendar/new_wakeup.html,

and lastly last year, they launched

Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity


ENJOY!! (: